Monday, May 5, 2008

Free E-Course: A Month of Marketing

photo by judyyonkers

If you're looking to increase your freelance writing income, you'll probably enjoy following Mridu Khullar's advice. Don't tell me you don't know who Mridu Khullar is! Ok, so you really don't know? You've never heard of her? Have you been living in a cave? Ok, that was a little harsh of me *sorry!* For those of you who really don't know who she is, Mridu Khullar is a very successful, international freelance journalist from New Delhi, India. She's currently working in Accra, Ghana. Her impressive portfolio includes publishing credits with Elle, Time, Parade, Writer's Digest, and more. She knows what she's talking about people!

Mridu has decided to turn May into a month of marketing. What does this mean for us? It means that we can follow her e-course, which she's generously offering for free! She's already started posting the lessons.

  1. AMOM Day 1: Update Your Writing Portfolio
  2. AMOM Day 2: Letters of Introduction
  3. AMOM Day 3: Check in With Your Regulars

I think this is a wonderful opportunity. Readers can learn from her wisdom and experience. She's kindly giving us a sneak peek into how she has successfully marketed herself so we'll know what to do to get ourselves out there, make more sales, and add more publishing credits to our portfolio. Don't forget to keep your eyes open for new lessons!

Thanks, Mridu!

Enjoy the lessons. I'm sure they'll help you keep writing the cyber highway!

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