Friday, August 31, 2007

Good News!

Just sharing a tidbit of writing info:

My article, Writing the Cyber Highway, is featured in the September issue of e-zine. Be sure to drop by the site or visit the blog.

I'm sure you'll enjoy the time you spend there, as the Owner/Editor, Amy Derby, does a great job of leading freelance writers in the right direction!

September finds us writing the cyber highway.....

Write What You....

You thought "know", right? Wrong. I know we always hear that phrase, "Just write what you know." I think it goes beyond that. As a writer, we must dig deep into our very soul and write what we feel.

If you only write what you know, then you might write about baking, crafts, fishing, singing, teaching...

But if you write about what you feel,you'll draw your readers in and inspire them to stay awhile.

It's not as hard as you think. Here are some examples:

You might be walking down the street and have your heart ripped out by a small child living in poverty. As you look into their dull, sunken eyes that are pleading for you to help them, you see their sadness, their hunger, their desire to literally go home with you--home, something they don't have. Do you feel that?

Or you may walk through a hospital to visit a new baby in the family. But as you glance through a door while traipsing down the long hallway, you don't see what you expected to see. Your eyes fill with tears. You're not seeing an old person that has lived a good 90 years, but a toddler who's hair has all but fallen out, whose angelic face is pale, whose lips are dried and cracked until it hurts. Do you feel that?

You're on vacation. You have money, nice, clean clothes, a full tummy (from the expensive restaurant you just had to try out), and a fabulous hotel room with an over sized, luxurious bed awaiting your tired body.

As you drive around, just curious about this town and everyone in it, you see movement out of the corner of your eye. Looking back, you notice a gaunt, weathered lady and her small frail child digging in the dumpster for tonight's meal. Do you feel their poverty? Their pain? Their loneliness? Their shame?

Write what you feel...write with your heart...write with empathy, sympathy, compassion, humanity... Write what is raw, what is real, what is uncomfortable, what is frowned upon, what is neglected, what is unseen... Write about the unheard voices, the cries in the night... Write what no one else will. And then find a way to do something about it. Anything. A hot meal, a few dollars, maybe you could rent a hotel room for someone, for just one night. Maybe you could bake a casserole, donate blankets/clothes/shoes to someone.

I ,personally, like to hand deliver.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I posted a new quote today, like I've been doing, but this one is just really sticking with me...

"Who is wise? He that learns from every One.
Who is powerful? He that governs his Passions.
Who is rich? He that is content.
Who is that? Nobody."

Benjamin Franklin

Grammatically Correct by Anne Stillman

I'm loving this book! I've had it for a while now, and refer to it when I need to. Some of the stuff is basic English, but a lot of it is really interesting and is a great help if you have problem areas or don't understand some things.

This book has five parts:

*Problem Words

It is 328 pages long and is crammed full of awesome information. For instance, you'll learn when and how to use serial commas, colons, semi-colons, etc. There are loads of examples and it's very easy to understand.

So, what are you waiting for? Open a new tab, cyber shop, and order your copy... today!!

Grammatically Correct: The Writer's Essential Guide to Punctuation, Spelling, Style, Usage and Grammar will definitely help you continue writing the cyber highway!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Renie's World is here!

It's a beautiful, new day and with it comes a beautiful, new blog:

Renie Burghardt's World

I'm sure many of you have come across inspirational articles/stories written by freelance writer, Renie Burghardt.

She is a dear friend of mine, and writing mentor to say the least. You'll enjoy her style of writing, wonderful personality, and her love of animals.

Renie Burghardt has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul (several), A Cup of Comfort (several), Guideposts (books and magazine), just to name a few. Her publishing credits are too many to mention!

Drop by her blog and say hi, while taking a break from writing the cyber highway!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pets~~ A Market

This is Sarg, my pet rabbit....

Do you have pets? Have you ever thought of sending a cute photo of them into a magazine, or writing a story/article about your kind of pet? Well, you should consider it.

There is a great market for articles about pets, how to care for them, what animals make the best pets for children, etc.

Before you give up on writing, look around, you might just be surprised how many interesting things there are in your life to write about, especially your fuzzy (or scaly) best friend :)

Grab your pet and keep writing the cyber highway!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Thinking ahead....

This is a photo of my Mom's old-fashioned gingersnap cookies and parfaits. She loves making them in the fall. She's big on parfaits (which are healthy desserts), but she only made the gingersnap cookies for a baking contest :'( (she won 2nd place!) last year.

The point I'm trying to make is that even though we'll just soon be going into fall this year, we writers need to be thinking of next fall...

For most people (the ones that don't luck out--like REALLY luck out--the first time they query a magazine), it can take quite a while to get your writing published.

Acquiring publishing credits, aka "clips" (which are just articles you've had published), can be like trying to get a job without a car, yet needing the job to be able to pay for the car and you're stuck in limbo.

Ok, Rewind... So you don't get lost and confused, I'll stop here. You're probably asking, "Ok, so how do I get "clips"? Well, good question. You could get clips a variety of ways. Perhaps you could write free (a couple of times) for a publication that has merit.

Maybe you could donate an article or two to a website like The Dabbling Mum, or you could simply write a couple of articles that are similar to something the magazine might publish and just send that as "samples."

To better understand words and phrases associated with freelance writing, stop by Amy Derby, Owner/Editor, posted a brief glossary of freelance writing terms here that is very helpful.

To be a successful writer, you need to think ahead. Think, plot, dream, create, write....

So you might guess with summer coming to an end and the school year starting, it's time to think ahead. If you start planning now for this time next year, you're sure to get a head start on "getting into" a Summer/Fall/2008 magazine issue.

Some things to start thinking about are:

  • Writing articles with tips to help parents get their family back into the routine of school and after-school activities.
  • Writing articles with fresh ideas for fall decorations for the home.
  • Writing articles including gardening tips for fall.
  • Writing articles with fall-themed recipes or crafts.
The list goes on....

Anything like holiday articles/stories/recipes/crafts, needs to be queried about/submitted about 6 months to a year in advance.

If you think ahead, query the magazines now about issues planned for next summer/fall, you might just get ahead writing the cyber highway ;)

Friday, August 24, 2007

"My Thinking Tree"

In all its majestic beauty and splendor, I love this weeping willow tree. I am drawn to its swaying branches and leaves.

It seems the willow whispers in the wind, dancing ever so gently.

I've always loved willow trees. I was ecstatic to discover this would be right outside my window when deciding to move to my current home.

With my curtains open, I can see this breathtaking vision from where I write. It's all the inspiration I need some days. I've nicknamed it my "thinking tree."

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Ok, it's definitely official--I've become vegetarian.

Yep, you heard me... vegetarian... as in, no more cow, hog, chicken, turkey... Nothing with eyes or paws or sweet disposition... Just veggies, grains, fruit, raw nuts, seeds, etc., etc....

I'm actually astounded that I'm not whining for a cheeseburger or craving fried chicken.

So, what am I going to do? Write about it, of course!

I haven't figured out how many different angles I'm going to go with yet, but there are food magazines/sites, and there are vegetarian publications. What all can you write about vegetables? Hmmm...

You could write about a lot of things. The sky is the limit!

Here's a few, for instance:

  • Homegrown veggies/fruit at the Farmer's Market (interview who grows them)
  • Vegetarian recipes
  • History of a certain fruit/veggie
  • Exotic fruits/veggies
  • Heirloom fruits/veggies
  • Interview vegetarians
  • Organic fruits/veggies and their health benefits
And the list goes on... Use your imagination.

So, there you have it. I'm no longer a meat-eater. I'm surely going to become a bone (I hope!) Ok, maybe not a bone, just thinner ;)

Enjoy your veggies!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Writer's Challenge

Today, I've challenged myself and I hope you'll join me.

I challenge all writers (as well as myself):

  1. To believe in yourself and your writing like you never have.
  2. To query publications you feel you aren't good enough for (follow their guidelines, of course).
  3. To Ignore snide remarks of family or friends (by the way, they are obviously jealous of you for following your heart in the first place).
  4. Sit down, get a notebook and make a list of your goals. Short-term, long-term, and overall.
  5. Thing big, think successful, think you deserve that big break after all your hard work, dedication, and determination.
  6. Pat yourself on the back. Someone should. After all, you've made it this far!
  7. Don't give up. Never. For any reason. No matter what. Don't give up! Your life is what you make it, so make yourself a writer. The sky is the limit!
So, are you on board? Are you going to challenge yourself to be all that you can be? To write the best manuscripts, poetry, short stories, books that you can?

Do you hereby promise to commit yourself wholeheartedly to becoming the published writer you've only dreamt of becoming? To get published or be published more than ever before 2008?

What are you waiting for? Get a move on it! Hurry!

Start writing the cyber highway ;)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

So Many Stories!

Think about it... You have memories of your childhood, good or bad. Most have memories of a wedding/marriage, good or bad. There are memories of crummy jobs, horrific dates, taunting school years, the ups and downs of teen life, your first apartment/house.... How about memories of grandma or grandpa? What about girl scout/boy scout summer camp? Or some other camp?

There's the interesting old man that lives down the street and creates art from junk, or the lady that volunteers her time to comfort the sick at hospitals, nursing homes, or in their home...

If you really, really think about it, there are stories everywhere! If you hear someone chatting (not eavesdropping, just passing by!), you may even hear a word or phrase that sparks a great story or article.

What about the new restaurant in town? Or the elderly couple having to close their business after years of quality service to the public?

Keep your eyes, ears, taste buds, sense of touch, and nose open for great stories, they're everywhere!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A little inspiration...

If you're just starting out as a writer, you definitely need to read a most encouraging article "Paying Your Dues" by Matt Haldeman.

I found it in the Notes in the Margin article directory, which you can check out here.

Kristen King distributes Notes in the Margin newsletter, which is filled with great information for writers, editors, and those that hire them. It is a free service. All you have to do is subscribe.

Worried about scams?

I was just reading Jenna Glatzer's blog: Hot Diggity, found here . She's received and passed on the Courageous Blogging Award to Ann Crispin and Victoria Strauss, who are experts at hunting down scams and protecting authors.

Be sure to check out their Writers Beware blog here. We can never be too careful with our written word. After all, a lot of sweat, blood, and heart goes into pouring our thoughts and our very soul onto paper.

Stay safe writing the cyber highway!

Write About Your Pain...

What is your greatest pain? Did you lose a loved one to a horrific disease? Are you a survivor of domestic violence? Have you existed miserably for years in an over-sized body that makes your own skin crawl with disgust and hurt? Do you suffer anxiety attacks or insomnia that ruins your life? Write about it...

Whatever your greatest pain is in life, write about it. Let the readers feel your emotion, your heartache, your despair.... Let them almost feel the hot tears cascading down your face.

We all have stories like this. Sometimes as writers, those are the very stories that are hardest of all to release from deep within our soul. Let it out. Not only is it free therapy, you'll be helping others in the process.

Write an essay for an anthology, website, or your local newspaper. Query a magazine and add research and statistics to your article about your own pain.

However you choose to get your story of pain out there, get it out there. You never know who may be on the brink of suicide. If someone's world is coming to an end and they happen to read your story, you might just "save their life."

Don't forget to conclude with where you're at in your life now. Have you conquered a disorder? Have you found a creative way to cope with loss? Can you direct your readers to a place where they'll receive assistance if they're trying to escape domestic violence? Can you give them hope for a brighter future? You may just be surprised....

Although I write about my painful memories and experiences, I’m always sure to weave inspiration throughout and conclude with a positive note. My painful encounters are selling quite nicely to anthologies. I scout out anthologies’ calls for submissions by googling something like: “anthology, call for submissions” or “anthology, writer’s guidelines.”

Be sure to check out Anthologies Online at the following link.
They now have two pages of August calls for submissions. You can also check past issues for anthologies looking for stories, just pay attention to their deadlines. Sign up for their free newsletter and you’ll receive the latest anthology markets right in your inbox!

I’m finding my niche in the writing world by opening my heart to my readers and walking them through my pain and victories.

Recently, a lady approached me. She said, “I overheard you say that you’re a survivor of domestic violence and that you’re a writer.”

“That’s right.” I told her.

“Well, my daughter just escaped a violent relationship. She’s trying to deal with it all now and I just think it’s great that someone like you is writing about where you’ve come from. I wish you had a book she could read.”

She hugged me right there. I told her thank you. I don’t have that book just yet, but I will.

It’s not always easy for me to write or talk about my ugly past that was filled with domestic violence or my painful battle with obesity. But since I have made the decision to share my struggles with the world, not only is my writing really “taking off”, but I’ve tapped into a new level of healing.

I can now go into detail about the darkness I endured, yet shine light on the mountaintop I’ve reached. I can encourage those dealing with obesity, because I’ve lost over 100 pounds. And I can extend hope to victims of domestic violence because now I’m free. I can share the anguish of someone with panic attacks, because I’ve been there. And I can sympathize with the person coping with insomnia because I know their exhaustion.

With my willingness to be an inspiration to others, comes the gratification of knowing I encouraged someone like the lady who approached me that day.

Write about your pain. You never know who’s life you will touch with the power of your words…

Good luck writing the cyber highway!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


I just finished reading Jenna Glatzer's book, Make a REAL LIVING as a Freelance Writer, and I must say that it was money well spent--very well spent. I enjoyed her style and voice and she's very encouraging and is a great teacher. That said. Get the book!!!

As I was reading the last few pages, though, it "dawned on me" that I am literally sitting on a fabulous story for a magazine. I can't imagine why on earth I hadn't thought to query a magazine about this topic. It's just insane that I've been letting this hot story burn up right beneath my nose!

Sometimes I don't think we realize what type of stories are breathing all around us, just sitting and waiting to be grabbed up and written about. Maybe it just doesn't sink in or something. I'm glad I finally realized it though. I'm off to write a query!

Keep writing the cyber highway!

Friday, August 17, 2007


While searching for markets today, I came across the guidelines for Sew News magazine. It looks like a great market. They offer their readers how-to articles with step by step instructions on sewing projects.

Their guidelines can be found here.

I don't personally sew but some of my family members and friends do, so I've got swirling thoughts for story ideas.

They even offer a sample query letter in their guidelines--how very kind of them.

Hope you enjoy the market and get busy writing the cyber highway!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Undiscovered Writer

It's a good thing it's not a necessity for me to be outside, I'm wilting! I'm a wimp, I guess. So, since I've been indoors a lot, I've been getting a lot of writing done. I'm happy about that.

I stumbled across this website:

here while back and honestly forgot about it. Donna Boyette is compiling anthologies, so there are writing opportunities for the ambitious. I'm working on a story that might work for this market.

If you're interested, guidelines are here.

. I'm always up for a new market, aren't you?

I haven't had much time for reading lately but I've been writing a lot so at least I'm doing something productive.

I was talking to a lady today and she said her daughter is recuperating from domestic violence. She got out before it was too late. She walked away. She's lucky. Some women/men don't get out in enough time, they're carried out in a body bag. I know because I am a survivor of domestic violence.

This lady was so glad that I'm writing about the darkness I've come through. She said that there is such a need for the survivors to be able to hear/read inspirational stories of someone like me that walked away and lived to tell about it.

Writing about our pain is healing to our mind, body, and soul. They all work together, you know?

The first book I'm writing is about how I've lost over 100 pounds, about my journey with obesity and illness. But in time, I will somehow publish a book about the domestic violence. Until then, I'll be a shining inspiration for the precious souls that are still bound by those controlling them.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Almost Finished

Well, I'm almost finished reading Jenna Glatzer's book, Make a REAL LIVING as a Freelance Writer. I must say I've enjoyed it a lot. It's easy to read, easy to understand, and it's full of great information. Better yet, Jenna comes across as friendly and makes you just want to keep reading!

So, I'm surely not the only one that's been reading anything new lately. Anyone else with their nose stuck between a cover?

I feel for those that have outdoor jobs, don't you? The heat is atrocious!

Stay cool and keep writing the cyber highway!

Monday, August 13, 2007

New Find....

Today I happened upon a most interesting blog: Word Wise . It consists of writing tips and and all kinds of writing information. It's maintained by Dan Santow. He talks about AP style, being professional with the written word, etc. I'm most definitely going to check it out from time to time. I thought I'd share my new find.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Another Year, Another Day.....

Well, today I'm officially one year older. Gives you something to really think about. Birthdays.... We could always write about them. Perhaps you took a special trip on your birthday or met someone famous. Maybe you visited the Grand Canyon or some amazing village in Italy. There are lots of stories that come with birthdays. Write about them!

I was inspired this morning for a new story. I know my title and I'm going from there.

So, I'm another year older. I'm thankful that I'm alive! I have a lot to be thankful for, actually....

Keep writing the cyber highway!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Street-Smart Writer

Woo hoo! Today, I got the last of the new books I've ordered recently: The Street-Smart Writer Self-Defense Against Sharks and Scams in the Writing World, by Jenna Glatzer and Daniel Steven.

I'm really excited about studying this book! I have lots of reading to do, though, so it will take me a while. I think this is a great book for anyone wanting to write and get published.

Keep writing the cyber highway!

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Shy Writer

I received two new books in the mail today. One is The Shy Writer by C. Hope Clark, which I'm most excited about reading. You can find out more about her at her site:

In my opinion, a lot of writers are shy. At least, I know I am. Just give me an island and let me hide! I am sure I'll find lots of tips and courage to help me overcome my "hermit" tendencies.

People look puzzled when they find out I feel like a turtle, just wanting to crawl inside my shell and hide from the world. I'm told that I'm kind and personable and seem to be outgoing. I try to be. I love people, just not all at once for long periods of time. Really I'd rather be tucked neatly in a cabin in the woods, typing feverishly away at my book. Wouldn't we all like that to some degree?

Ok, the second book that came today is Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul. I can't wait to be inspired by the many stories in this one!

I ordered both after meandering through and browsing the Recommended Reading for Writers page.

I have to read when I get a chance so I have lots of catching up to do! I'm still wading through Jenna Glatzer's book, Make a REAL LIVING as a Freelance Writer, and I'm enjoying it very much.

If you can, or haven't already, add these three books to your own library. I'm glad I did.

Keep writing the cyber highway!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Magazine Database

The other day I mentioned using Writer's Market books or subscribing to the online version, which is a tool I've personally used.

Wooden Horse Magazine Database was brought to my attention so I went and checked it out. You can check it out too, here.

They have over 2,000 print magazines in their media directory. You can subscribe to their free newsletter or you can subscribe to their service and have complete access to their Magazine Database and benefit from all it has to offer.

I signed up for the free newsletter and from what I can tell by browsing the site, it looks like a quality investment that would give you a boost in your freelance writing career.

Happy Writing the Cyber Highway!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Writers Weekly

What a nice surprise! I just checked my email and found that has published my article, Writing, Obesity, and Me in this week's newsletter.

Every clip along the way of our writing journey is exciting, especially if you've battled illness and conquered obesity like I have.

Be encouraged, keep writing the cyber highway!

Get Writing!

Are you a writer at heart, but can't find the heart to write? Discouraged by the daily stresses of life or those friends/family that mock you for wanting to be a writer?

Clear your mind, let go of it all, and get writing! If writing and being published is your greatest desire, then forget what others think. Don't worry about it, just prioritize and go for it.

If I'm not writing, I'm not happy. Is that how you feel? Steal away and get those words flowing!

Subscribe to magazines such as The Writer and Writer's Digest and study them. Purchase Writer's Market or subscribe to the online version and you'll find an endless supply of markets to submit your work to or query.

Get busy writing the cyber highway!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Such a bad word, isn't it? As writers, we're going to get rejection letters regardless of how "perfect" our query letter is, how many credits we have, or how hard we try to avoid them.

It is inevitable that rejections will be part of our lives. It's how you handle them that separates the successful writers from the ones that never succeed.

For instance, I know a writer that has awesome work but she rarely submits anything and hasn't for years because she takes rejection too seriously.

The editors aren't rejecting us as a person, they're rejecting our work for possibly several different reasons. Maybe they've already printed something similar to what we submitted or queried about. Perhaps our work just does not "fit" that particular market. Maybe we didn't pay close attention to the guidelines and it made a bad impression. There are so many things it could be.

The best advice I ever received was to "accept rejection and move on." That's what I've done and it's working.

I think what writers are famous for is their perseverance. Without it, we wouldn't be writers.....

Monday, August 6, 2007

Interviews abound

Yesterday was a great day for me. I pulled off two successful interviews. My sources kindly answered questions, gave me great quotes to use, gave me their business cards and told me to call or email if I had anymore questions. Great interviews!

A third source, the biggest, most successful source, was in a rush but was very generous in giving me his number telling me to give him a call in a few days and he'll have some time and answers for me.

Overall, I couldn't be happier. I've got wonderful, solid information, facts, and expert sources that will for sure make great articles.

I'm so glad I had the camera, my trusty pocket sized notebook and pen, and was able to attend the outdoors event that brought me in close proximity with so many "walking stories"....

Interviews abound, just open your eyes and look around!

Saturday, August 4, 2007


I'm really enjoying Jenna Glatzer's approach to freelance writing in her book, Make a REAL LIVING as a Freelance Writer.

Already, my mind is racing like crazy with all kinds of ideas for new stories. Be sure to check out her website as well: and her blog:

Anyways, I'm thinking, "Why haven't I considered writing about that before?!" Things from our childhood or past, things we've forgotten ever even happened.... Jenna makes you think with these exercises and I'm sure I'll write on a bigger variety of topics because of it.

Get this book!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Reference Heaven...

Yesterday I received Jenna Glatzer's book, Make a REAL LIVING as a Freelance Writer/How to Win Top Writing Assignments, in the mail.

I ordered it after I saw it on There is a link called Recommended Reading for Writers on that site and Jenna Glatzer's book is listed there.

Really, I haven't had as much time as I'd like to read it but I can tell already I'm going to love this book!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Typos: What to do....

So, you've completed your manuscript, proofread it, and if possible read it aloud to a friend or had them lend an editor's eye.... Your spelling and grammar program says there are no mistakes and you can't find anything out of the ordinary.

This is when you submit it, either by email or slow poke snail mail.... Then it happens... Your piece is printed and there are typos. You're horrified!

Well, whoever entered the content may have made a typo or two. Is it the end of the world? Sure, it makes us look bad but it could be worse somehow (use your imagination)....

Maybe it was our oversight.... We made a mistake (is that a sin?)

I say: "Let it go!" We're not perfect, editors aren't perfect, and whoever entered the content is not perfect. Forgive it, forget it, and move on.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thanks to blogging!

Today has been great.... I have been in contact with three editors--wow! All contact was great and encouraging and promising.

One editor actually asked for another story for an anthology I've already sold a story to. Who knows, I'm going to send a second story but it may or may not make it to the final cut. Still, it was an honor to be asked for a second story....

Another editor really gave me the encouraging boost I needed to query a great magazine about my personal story of weight loss... (Thanks!)

Also, I sold an article today that I queried an editor about. I got like a newsflash with the title and went from there. I wrote this piece in about 15 minutes, printed it out, scanned over it, got a second opinion before I sent it over cyber space and wrote a very casual query and included the article (just in case she wanted to read it) and bingo! A few hours later, I checked my email to find I had not only received a reply (QUICK!) from that editor, but she thought it was great and wanted to buy it. And, the pay is nothing to cry about!

Sometimes we just have to jump in and go for it!

Writing, obesity, and me...

I've lost over 100 pounds. It's been a long, sometimes exhausting journey, but I have made it. I still have about 20 or so more pounds to lose, but I will reach my goal (I'm stubborn!).

My inspirational article, "You Are Morbidly Obese", (published at magazine--July, 2007) shares some of my heartache, shame, and victory.

I'm currently in the process of writing a book about how I lost over 100 pounds and am keeping it off. Actually, I was planning a complete different book on a complete different subject but I keep getting requests to share my journey of weight loss and let others in on my successful secrets.

So, that's what I'm working on. Obesity is a touchy subject. It hurts my heart because I've been there. I know how it feels, I remember what it was like...I'll never forget it...

I feel that writing, obesity, and me go hand in hand because I'm a writer at heart and I've walked through obesity and it's ugly realness and I feel others' pain.

Often we hear the phrase, "If I can do it, anybody can!" I always hated hearing that phrase. But now I understand it.

Near 300 pounds, laying with multiple surgeries and sometimes life-threatening health issues, I never thought I would be where I am today--able to walk and move and write again--but I'm here seeing my writing and weight dreams come true. If I can do it, believe me, you can too!

A New Month, New Opportunities

Well, August has finally arrived. This is a new month full of new opportunities.

I'm always on the lookout for new writing opportunities. That is how I sold a recent article, "Want to Get Published? Get Organized!"

Link here:

It is an article I wrote with some organizational tips that I personally use.

I'm honored to have my work featured on

Write-from-home has become my favorite website on writing. Amy Derby, the editor and owner of the website and e-zine, always has new (paying) markets posted. She also maintains four blogs that are most interesting to follow. There are numerous, very helpful articles, on the site to lead new freelance writers in the "write" direction. I've learned a lot by reading them.

So, be encouraged and don't give up hope. Wade through those rejections and all the criticism! Keep skipping and writing the cyber highway and keep your eyes open for all those road signs with writing opportunities!

Your next sale could be just a hop, skip, or jump away....