Today, I've challenged myself and I hope you'll join me.
I challenge all writers (as well as myself):
- To believe in yourself and your writing like you never have.
- To query publications you feel you aren't good enough for (follow their guidelines, of course).
- To Ignore snide remarks of family or friends (by the way, they are obviously jealous of you for following your heart in the first place).
- Sit down, get a notebook and make a list of your goals. Short-term, long-term, and overall.
- Thing big, think successful, think you deserve that big break after all your hard work, dedication, and determination.
- Pat yourself on the back. Someone should. After all, you've made it this far!
- Don't give up. Never. For any reason. No matter what. Don't give up! Your life is what you make it, so make yourself a writer. The sky is the limit!
Do you hereby promise to commit yourself wholeheartedly to becoming the published writer you've only dreamt of becoming? To get published or be published more than ever before 2008?
What are you waiting for? Get a move on it! Hurry!
Start writing the cyber highway ;)