Wednesday, when I stopped by Katharine Swan's blog and saw her post: An unscheduled day off, it definitely caught my interest. As I was reading, I was making plans for my own. By the time I read her advice:
I highly recommend the experience to any of my over-worked, over-stressed fellow freelancers!
I was hooked on the idea. So, Thursday morning came and I didn't even turn my computer on. That's right! No cyber surfing, no adventures along the cyber highway, no blog posts or commenting - nada! It was NICE! And... the world didn't end just because I wasn't online for one day.
Like Katharine, I watched a couple of movies and just relaxed and enjoyed the day - thanks, Katharine for the gentle shove. :-)
I was pleasantly surprised to come back to cyber land and find that Katharine had tagged me for the Roaring writers meme. She also passed the following awesome award to me! Who'd ever guess I'd be rewarded for being lazy?!But there's a little catch... I have to share three writing tips with my readers and tag five of you as well. Hmmm...
First, the tips. Supposedly, the Roar for Powerful Words Award page wants me to list "three things [I] believe are necessary to make writing good and powerful."
And they are:
1. Write from your heart. Sometimes it's hard and feels strange, but if you open your heart and let your readers take a peek inside, chances are they'll be back for more - loyal readership is a goal, isn't it? And what better way to use your writing talent than to touch the hearts of your readers?
2. Step away, clear your head, and rest your body. Like Katharine reminded me of in her post, it's nice to just let your mind and body relax. You need to do something different sometimes. Many times you'll find inspiration is abundant when you stop trying so hard and just take it easy, let it come naturally.
3. Stir your passion. Keep the passion alive and growing that you have for writing. Steps one and two will help you do that. Don't let writing become a negative aspect of your life. Keep it fun. Read, study, take breaks when you can, get up and walk around and stretch for a few minutes. Sit back down at your computer with a fresh eye and a new approach to things. It's an honor to be able to follow your heart's desire and write. Remember?
Wanna roar with me?
And the award goes to... the following five talented people:
1. Grandy, at Functional Schmunctional, who I'm so proud of for deciding to use her colorful talent with words and join the freelancing world.
2. Erika Geiss, at Musings from the Mitten, who is an amazing writer, editor and somehow manages to be a wife, mother, and who has just successfully launched theWAHMmagazine.
3. Becca, at Becca's Byline, for all the inspiration she brings through her touching posts and fiction. Her writing is elegant and delicate like lace, yet strong and powerful like a roar!
4. April Aragam, who is already selling her words right and left - and we're only 12 days into this new year!
5. Misti Sandefur, at Life of a Writer, who is a freelance writer, novelist, blogger, and an inspiration to anyone struggling to be a mom, wife, and squeeze in the many duties of the writer's life.
Roar on, while writing the cyber highway!