Saturday, November 3, 2007

If I Had An Extra Hour...

Amy has tagged me for a meme she created: "What would I write if I had an extra hour every day?"

Well, let's see:

If I had an extra hour every day, I'd....

1). Finish and publish the book I'm writing on how I lost over 100 pounds (without surgery) and how you can, too.

2). I'd finish a fictional piece I started but am not quite sure if it's going to be a short story or turn into a novel!

3). I'd write verse for greeting cards (I've always wanted to do that, but just never have).

4). Like Amy, I'd compile a book of my poetry and self-publish it ;0)

5). I'd visit more blogs and make more blogger buds.

6). I'd lead a writer's group for teens to show them they can see their writing dreams come true and that they can turn their excess energy into a positive experience and see their name in print (many times).

7). I'd visit nursing homes and read my inspirational stories to the residents.

8). I'm sure I'm way over my hour... Argh.. there's just NEVER enough time, is there?

What would you write if you were presented with an extra hour while writing the cyber highway?

For this meme, I tag:




And... anyone else who'd love to share what they'd do with their extra hour.

Thanks, Amy, it's been fun!