Is your writing income sufficient? Could you use a few extra dollars to help you sleep better at night? Keep reading to find out how to make that happen.
If you've been a freelance writer for any amount of time, you know that you might be booked through next summer with writing gigs and then one day, all those jobs you've felt secure with just vanish and you're left with little or no income and don't know where to turn. Will you have to give up on your writing dreams? Not if you supplement with an E-Commerce business!
A good place to start is with Ashop Commerce, a shopping cart software program. A few reasons to try this affordable e commerce software, are:
- You can create an online store easily.
- You will be able to accept credit cards online.
- You can start selling online right away.
- Try it all out first with the free 10 day trial first.
- Enjoy the selection of thousands of amazing features.
- There's no need to download anything.
The next time someone makes you feel like your writing dreams are disappearing right before your eyes, tell them you're an entrepreneur and have income coming in from several directions! Keep writing and keep earning, even when the Editors aren't calling.
The Ashop Commerce shopping cart is integrated with all major banks as well as third party processors such as our beloved PayPal. Customers will be able to pay confidently and safely with their credit cards.
So, what are you waiting for? Speed the cyber highway and check it out. Get started earning those dollars in time for Christmas shopping!
*This amazing information is brought to you by Smorty.